Show video thumbnail as image in excerpt?
Updated on November 28, 2014 in Easy Custom Auto Excerpt
11 on November 21, 2014

Many of my posts do not have images in them but are video reviews and other things.  When I use your plugin it doesn’t appear to be able to use the video thumbnail.

Here is a sample page with only two posts being summarized:
I would like the videos to be displayed as small thumbnails as if they were pictures (like in your sample site).  Is there a way to do this? Thanks for the help.

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Moderator 0 on November 24, 2014

Hi Jake!

You can try to use the featured image function.
First, upload your video screenshoot / thumbnail (image) to the featured image on the post editor, than on the “Excerpt” option page, choose “Use Featured Image” for the Content image option value.


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0 on November 25, 2014

Is there a way to make it not pull the video for the excerpt.  Using a featured image does what I need it to do.  The problem is that it still pulls the video as well as the featured image.  The video then makes everything go whacky.  What can I do?

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0 on November 25, 2014

Even when not adding a video to a post it is still messed up.  For some reason it is putting the image both on top and one on the left side of the text.  The one on top is clickable and the one to the left of the text is not.  I have searched through the setting multiple times and cannot figure why it is doing this.

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0 on November 26, 2014

I am really struggling getting this plugin to work correctly.  Even with the paid version.  I do not want the plugin to make any changes or effect my home page at all.  If I have either HOME EXCERPT or FRONT PAGE EXCERPT turned on it does crazy things to my Home Page.  The problem is that if I turn them both off then I cannot get my blog page to work with the plugin.  I have tried inserting the page ID for my blog but nothing happens.

Then even when I have HOME and FRONT PAGE EXCERPT turned on to make my blog page work it is completely screwy.  As I said before it places a thumbnail above the post as well as to the side.  If I insert any sort of video into the post (which will be almost all of them) then it also shows a large video player within the excerpt as well.  If I could make this plugin look like the sample page they have then it is exactly what I want.  However so far I cannot get anything to work correctly.  Please help ASAP.  Thanks.

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Moderator 0 on November 26, 2014

Hi Jake,

We have seen your blog at :

Even when not adding a video to a post it is still messed up.  For some reason it is putting the image both on top and one on the left side of the text.

I don’t see it is mess on your post link. Can you send me the picture / attach here.

If I insert any sort of video into the post (which will be almost all of them) then it also shows a large video player within the excerpt as well.

Please try to use ‘Strip shortcode’ to yes on the options.

If that does not help please send an email to we will try to solve the problem on your site.

Best Regards

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0 on November 26, 2014

Sorry,  I had to disable it to make things work on my site.  I have turned it back on so you can see the problems.  Here is the link:

You can see that it is doing very weird things. The top two excerpts don’t have a video.  It is just a thumbnail of one.  As you can see it is pulling two thumbnails and placing them into the excerpt.  I assume this has to do with one of them being pulled by the theme or wordpress and one by the plugin.

The third excerpt (labeled: This is a Test) has a video in the post.  I have placed it as an iframe in the main text.  As you can see it not only has the two thumbnail versions but it also includes the video.  Strip short code is turned on but doesn’t seem to do anything.

The last post (canon 24-70) only has a video in the post.  I have not put an image just to see what happens.  I placed this video in the post by making it a video post and embedding it directly.

If Home Excerpt is set to yes it does weird things with my image slider on my homepage.  It puts a stretched out thumbnail version of the image on the bottom of the picture.  (it is not currently doing it because it doesn’t seem to happen unless I update the page.  Then it takes forever to figure out how to make it go away.

If Front Page Excerpt is turned on then the writing on my home page beneath the images turns into an excerpt as you can see here:

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Moderator 0 on November 26, 2014

Hi Jake,
Thank for the fast reply.

For your blog image :
It seems that you need to set Content image to no in the setting

For the blog i think we need your credential (user name and password). please send it to so we can investigate your problem.

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0 on November 26, 2014

I tried setting the content image to no and it does remove the extra image.  However I am unable to control the position and size of the image that is left.

I emailed you the username and password.  Thanks.

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Moderator 0 on November 27, 2014

Hi Jake,
I have set up your blog page, hope you will like it, if not, you can claim your refund.
Just for information, your site have a cache function (it maybe because the “WP Super Cache” plugin), so if you modify the excerpt plugin options, it will not change directly.

Here was i do on the post editor:
1. remove the post featured image
2. put the old featured image into the post content at the first line
3. save the post

Here was i do on the excerpt options page:
1. change “Content image” options to “Show only First image”
2. change “Image position” options to “left”
3. change “Top” image margin options to 9
4. change “Right” image margin options to 20

Have a good day! 🙂

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Message :
0 on November 27, 2014

Thank you so much.  It is looking much better.  The last question I have is with my Home Page.  It is still placing an excerpt on the text.  Is there a way to make it not have an excerpt on my home page. When I have tried the Home page and Front page options in the settings is makes it so that my blog page also doesn’t work.  Thanks.


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