Sangar Slider responsive ?
Updated on February 9, 2016 in Sangar Slider
2 on February 6, 2016


I need help with this slider!

I am currently testing this slider to see if this is fully responsive one as it claims to be….

This is the site that the slider is active:

1. Problem: The slider DOES NOT LOAD from any other page on this website to contact page.
2. How is this responsive ? When tested on Ipad, iphone etc.. the text and button is just SMAL.. it should fit the whole screen of the slider as it does on : Landscape but it does not do anything of that on Portrait mode.

I would like you to give me some support on this issues i am experiencing with this slider!

Thank you and best regards

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0 on February 6, 2016

EDIT: issue number 2 is resolved, my mistake! Mobile view was off thats why i could not see the changes i made.

Bu issue 1. is still there! Please Help

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Moderator 0 on February 9, 2016


Did you still facing this issue? Because I see the sangar slider is working fine on this page :

If somehow the slider is not load (maybe theme issue), you can always insert the shortcode directly to your template using this code :

<?php do_shortcode(‘[YOUR SANGAR SHORTCODE HERE]’); ?>

Thank you

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