Problems with my plugin
Updated on July 28, 2016 in Sangar Slider
7 on July 4, 2016

Hi all,

I am a little bit desperate because I’ve already bought Sangar Slider plugin and it’s working pretty good in one of my sites but it’s no working good in other site. I made all the configuration well and all the settings are pretty similar to the one that it works but still no working.

So I though that maybe is happening like is usual with some plugins in WordPress, the installation was not very well completed whatever be the reason for that. Then, I tried to remove the plugin from my WP installation. I removed the plugins from plugin section but when I’ll back to installed them, the issue is the same, it’s no working so I think I have to try removing completely the plugins from my WP installations but I don’t know how to do it beyond the plugins section. I’ve already taken a look to my server through FTP but after remove the plugins using the standard method (plugins section) I can’t see anything about Sangar Slide in the ftp. May be I have to remove them from the database, too but I don´t know how to do it.

I need some help. Please. Thank you!

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0 on July 7, 2016

Hi again, are you very busy to answer the posts? I’ve paid for this plugin and now it’s not working in one of my sites. I would like to know if it’s a common issue or If even you are working to fix this issue and others in a next update but please, answer the posts in this SUPPORT FORUM.


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Message :
Moderator 0 on July 14, 2016


Very sorry for late response, due to ramadhan and ied holiday 🙂

Can I see your website? It’s also would be helpful if I can access your wp-admin for debugging 🙂

Thank you

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Message :
0 on July 14, 2016

Hi Zea,

sorry about my last message but I was a little bit annoying about your lack of response.

Ok, after a lot of days trying a lot of different things and none of them had worked, I’ve decided to remove the plugin and I am using right now another one.

So right now, your plugin it’s not installed but I’ll be happy if you try to fix the issue so, I send you the details to access to the Administration panel in WordPress.

The address is:

and off course, to access to the administration panel:

As you can see in my account, I am a premium user of the plugin so, please be free to install them again and try whatever yo need to fix it.

Like I told you, we have already try different things, me and my hosting provider, like clean the database, install the plugins, uninstall the plugins, etc… but any of these had worked.

Thanks for your answer and please, let me know about your progress.

Kind Regards

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Message :
0 on July 14, 2016

Ah and like I told you in other message, I own another website, which is mostly a mirror of the other site, same template, similar plugins and your plugin is working very nice there.

Both WordPress installations are on the same hosting so that makes the issue more annoying because it’s working fine in one of the sites and it’s no working in the other pretty similar site.

I hope this help you.

Thanks again.

Kind Regards

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Message :
Moderator 0 on July 15, 2016


I tried the sangar slider, and it’s working fine. Please take a look :

Or if you facing another issue, please more spesific 🙂

Thank you

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Message :
0 on July 15, 2016

Hi Zea,

thanks for your great help. The problem is when I try to use the Post Slider. You can see an example of the issue on the same test page that you create, I put the other slide just below the slide that you created. As you can see, the post slider is all the time in LOADING mode and it’s not loading any content of the posts. That’s the problem.

The normal slider is working but not the post slider and like I told you, I own another site, very similar to this one, same template, same plugins and they are hosted on the same server and the post plugin is working fine as you can see on this address:

Can you please take a look to the issue and try to fix it. It’s very annoying and weird.

Thanks again for your help. Please, keep me posted.

Kind Regards

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Message :
Moderator 0 on July 28, 2016

Hi Santiago Molina Pons,

Thank you for your report. We have noted your issue, and we will looking for the solution soon.

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