My site is:
The buttons don’t appear and my license code can’t be validated
My site is:
The buttons don’t appear and my license code can’t be validated
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The license code now validates but plugin still doesn’t work. Please, may you help me?
Please check here:
By using the forum you are agree with tonjoo studio license agreement
Hi Carlos,
I cannot see FRS in your web. Where do you put it actually?
If you don’t mind, may I ask your web credentials? So I can investigate any further.
Sorry for the inconvenience 🙂
Thank you,
Best regards,
By using the forum you are agree with tonjoo studio license agreement
I have deactivated the cache plugin… now you can see the code
Check, for example… here:
By using the forum you are agree with tonjoo studio license agreement
I found the issue…
The plugin doesn’t work when I activated a new extension from wp-touch called "Advanced Jquery". I have deactivated this extension and Hide Show Comments works well now.
By using the forum you are agree with tonjoo studio license agreement
Hi Carlos,
Glad it’s working now 🙂
If you still facing any issues, please contact us.
Thank you,
Best Regards,
By using the forum you are agree with tonjoo studio license agreement