Picture not shown if it is not in very beginning of post?
Updated on April 11, 2018 in Easy Custom Auto Excerpt
1 on April 11, 2018

Hello. This is a FANTASTIC plugin, and I am happy for it. Just one question: I have it setup that first 400 characters of post show up PLUS in the “Image Settings” it should “Show only fist image”. However, the first image is not displayed in case it is in the middle of the post and not on the very beginning. Any way to fix it please?

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Moderator 0 on April 11, 2018

Hi Karolhlava,
Are you sure that image is on the range at 400 character? if image is placed outside of 400 character, it is out of range to be scanned, so image will be ignore.
Make sure the image is place inside at 400 character.

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