Is it possible to have fixed image width ONLY in full page view and not on mobile?
Updated on May 7, 2018 in Easy Custom Auto Excerpt
1 on May 5, 2018


I would really appreciate any help here. I need the images (of different sizes) to look "nice and even on both sides of webpage" – so using a fixed (custom) image width is working very well for that purpose: but when I look at the page on mobile it is bad…(they are too big of course) Is there any way please to have it "auto" on mobile and "fixed width" only on desktop?
I am using Yootheme Pro theme – but this seems to be more related to the plugin if I am correct?

Thank you for any help in advance!

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Moderator 0 on May 7, 2018

Hello karolhlava,
ECAE plugin does not responsible about how do the images look. The image looking depends on the theme you are using. So, try to contact theme developer to assist your need.
Might it help, thanks.

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