Short question for cominity
Updated on August 23, 2018 in Easy Custom Auto Excerpt
23 on August 23, 2018

in my site
all my topics 4 excerpts except top.
How can i decrease 4 it too?
in settings I try but cannot achive? Please some one tell me in advanced settings configurations for it or basic. Thank you

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3 on August 23, 2018

I have 2 catogories and 2 pages:

1. category (news) which visible on main page 4 excerpts

2. category which (hardware) visible on main page more than 4 excerpts(I want this 4 excerpts too) and want to this category with 4 excerpts show under menu (hardware) page

1st page is for my news page which is main

2nd page is my another (hardware) menu page

I tried advanced sections categories and pages I cant achive. Only general setting of plugin work. When I play them page shows all words without excerpt.

What is configure solve my problem.

Thank you.

on August 23, 2018

Hi Ilter,
What excerpt method do you use? Try to use paragraph like this:

on August 23, 2018

hi my excerpt when i use yours see live preview on my site

and hardware section doesnt show anything when i try your way.

on August 23, 2018

try this option:
It will show your 1-3rd paragraph as your excerpt

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2 on August 23, 2018

I tried but nothing change look your Personal message

on August 23, 2018

May I login into your web? I will try to help you the setting. Please sendi it via secret message box

on August 23, 2018

did you receive it?

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11 on August 23, 2018

I sent it

on August 23, 2018

nope, try to sent to: support at

on August 23, 2018

where is support page contact mail? could you share contact mail of you or support.

on August 23, 2018

on August 23, 2018

I sent it from your contact page

on August 23, 2018

Did you receive it? If you want I can send another.

on August 23, 2018

I have tried to change the seting but have no effect. Have you tried to de-activated all the plugins?. It might conflict with another plugins.

on August 23, 2018

try now?

on August 23, 2018

It changes now. So the problem is find out which plugin trigger the conflict.

on August 23, 2018

yeah but I can’t make

on August 23, 2018

thank you! one my problem solved except this

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Moderator 3 on August 23, 2018

The excerpt method unfortunately max at 3rd paragraph so it can’t excerpt the 4th paragraph.

on August 23, 2018

What is best solutions for us in your plugin?

on August 23, 2018

you still can use character excerpt method but you have make sure it will excerpt on the 4rd paragraph. For the example if you set 100 character, make sure that at the end of 100 character is same as 4rd paragraph

on August 23, 2018

thank you for your help and for your time
We wish 4. paragraph edit or more
take care

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