Just purchase your theme and there are a few things I’d like to change.
How do I set the background colour of the header from white to black?
In PROPERTY LOCATION, how do I set up the map to the right address directly when I create a new property? Anyway I can type in the address showing in google map directly? Coz now I just have your address in Indonesia by default and I have to go to a location and set the pointer to a near area, but I want the right address to set the pointer to… any idea how to help me with this in an easy way?
One more thing, I’d like to choose what has to be showing when I click on /location/ or /agent/ pages. right now I got the right column that contains such things like "Archives" or "Search" and I don’t want them… any easy way to choose a full width page instead of what looks like the blog default page?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Best regards,