Ok, The youtube question is answered. I had to write a function of the auto-embed function. I have managed to give the featured image more height so everything looks the same….<br />
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Now my only question is how to place the get-title (permalink) inline and above the excerpt text side by side with the futured image. <br />
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for my feeling I tried everything but it is not working for me. <br />
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Please can you help me point me out how to put the:
<?php the_title( sprintf( ‘<h2 class="entry-title"><a href="%s" rel="bookmark">’, esc_url( get_permalink() ) ), ‘</a></h2>’ ); ?>
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This is the get url van content.php.<br />
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I made the map template-parts in my childtheme, edited te content.php, uploaded it to the folder. I see changes but I cannot get it above the excerpt text but inline. <br />
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At this moment I aligned the featured images to the right to let it look if the title is with the text but I dont like the way it looks. I want the images aligned left etc etc.<br />
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I made a testaccount for you because the site is only visible for logged in users. We want to show the website to public from 9th of november. I send the details in a secret message.<br />
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Long forum post, but I hope you can help me. Its the last seriouw modification I want to the site.<br />
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thank you in advantage.<br />
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sorry for any bad english and I do not understand why al <. Bt. > is showing.<br />
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warm regards,<br />
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