Updated on March 1, 2018 in Easy Custom Auto Excerpt
1 on March 1, 2018

Is it possible to make the image in the excerpt to be clickable? More specifically, can I have the pic to have the post URL so that whenever a reader click in the pic she/he will go directly to the post? Any help on that will be highly appreciated. (Just to make sure, I think that my question is not exactly the same as one posted by another user on January 29).

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Moderator 0 on March 1, 2018

Hi mailalexlu,
If you mean that does ECAE plugin has setting for this, unfortunately the answer is no.
but you can trick it out, this is how to do it:
It is possible as long as your image inside content has link also to its post. And then display this image as part of excerpt (general options–>display image options–>content image).

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