Conflict with the plugin
Updated on February 13, 2018 in Easy Custom Auto Excerpt
3 on February 10, 2018


I wanted to use your plugin but it conflicts with the plugin “Give” :

When I activate your plugin it removes all the changes I have made to the settings of “Give” form.

I hope you could fix it.


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Moderator 0 on February 12, 2018

Hello rainbow123,
Can you give me your website URL so I know what do you want to achieve?
Just wondering that maybe I can fix it by tweak the setting of our plugin or it is truly the conflict.

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1 on February 13, 2018


my website is still on localhost now so unfortunately I can’t, but I can send you printshoots of the settings if that helps.

You can test it yourself by installing the plugin "Give" and after that try to create a donation form, and you can see that when your plugin is active, no matter what you choose on the form settings, nothing changes or can be saved. only when you deactivate your plugin you suddenly see all the changes you have made.

on February 13, 2018

Hello rainbow123,
Oh I see now, I have tried the settings and it seems there is a conflict between this two plugins.
I’ll tel this to our plugin developer to fix the conflict.
Thank you for your feedback.

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