ketika akses setting<br />
muncul pesan eror ini "Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page."
mohon bantuannya
ketika akses setting<br />
muncul pesan eror ini "Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page."
mohon bantuannya
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Apakah sudah dipastikan role user tersebut dapat mengakses halaman admin?
Tonjoostudio support
By using the forum you are agree with tonjoo studio license agreement
halo, iya ini akun yg dipake login akun admin.
apakah saya perlu memberikan akses utk dicek?
By using the forum you are agree with tonjoo studio license agreement
Seharusnya selama user sudah menjadi admin, user bisa mengakses halaman setting tersebut. Mungkin bisa meminjamkan akses login admin lewat secret message supaya bisa kami juga bisa cek lebih lanjut.
Tonjoostudio support
By using the forum you are agree with tonjoo studio license agreement
By using the forum you are agree with tonjoo studio license agreement
Untuk halaman setting refund bisa diakses di menu Woocommerce > Setting > Payment > Refund Request
Tonjoostudio support
By using the forum you are agree with tonjoo studio license agreement
oh okay, sudah bisa min.
saya sdh generate page refundnya jg.
terima kasih bantuannya.
By using the forum you are agree with tonjoo studio license agreement