Excerpt does not add padding near SOME images
Updated on November 4, 2020 in Easy Custom Auto Excerpt
3 on October 25, 2020


I have been using ECAE for years and only just started having this problem. I don’t know what is causing it, but it is really annoying. Please help.

Basically, there are a few images on my website where the excerpt does not have margin/padding, and the text is really close to the image.

However, on most of them, it appears normally.

Not sure what the cause is.


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0 on October 30, 2020

You can make whatever changes you please in the Edit section.

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0 on November 2, 2020

Did you read my question?

On the homepage, new articles that start off with an image aligned to left and text wrap have no margin.

Can I please get some help with this? It’s been a few days already.

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Moderator 0 on November 4, 2020


Can we borrow admin login credential so we can check it more further? You can share it through secret message.

Tonjoostudio support

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