Getting error message – also page viewing concern
Updated on August 5, 2014 in Easy Custom Auto Excerpt
1 on July 30, 2014

Hey I just set up ECAE Premium and am having trouble with it. There are two problems and I’m worried it might seem complicated when I describe it but I’ll try to be clear as possible.

First issue.

On my blog page I am getting this notice after the first feature image:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_per_paragraph() in/home/content/p3nexnas05_data01/13/2089913/html/wp-content/plugins/easy-custom-auto-excerpt/easy-custom-auto-excerpt.phpon line 705

And then the page ends.

The second problem I’m having is that the plugin is having no effect at all on the other pages with posted content.

I’m using the theme Blogbox, which lets you divide your posts by category using the ‘Portfolio” page templates, where you make a separate page that only shows posts in a single category. For my site I’ve set two categories for my posts, half are set to appear on the page designated at the “blog page”- this is the page showing the Fatal Error Notice, the other half are on a portfolio page, and they are not showing any sign of being affected by your plug-in at all. (– technically both categories use a portfolio page template, but I’ve set the first one to simultaneously appear on the “blog page” when it had it’s own page like the second category it also showed no effect)

I went looking in the editor and saw that the theme I’m using has it’s own excerpt function that limits by character #s, I can tell that it is still running on the second page I described. I specifically chose ECAE because I wanted to use the option to limit excerpts by paragraph and I have no ability to change the settings on my own.

So I guess these are my questions:
1) What’s causing the error message and can you fix it?
2) Is ECAE not designed to work on all WordPress pages? Or is it being blocked by the theme’s default excerpt settings?
3) If it is, how to I override those settings?

Thanks for bearing with me on this.


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Moderator 0 on August 5, 2014

Hi Natalie, we are sorry for our late answer because the Ramadhan holiday as announced.
We are apologize for the plugin error, please re-download the plugin from your purchased items in our website, we have fix it, and if the bug still in, please provide us your website link so we can investigate your problem personally


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