Going to buy, some question
Updated on December 13, 2019 in Easy Custom Auto Excerpt
1 on December 11, 2019

Hi, I’m gong to buy your plugin "Easy Custom Auto Excerpt".
I got a WordPress 5.3 and in the plugin panel says that your plugin is not tested with my last WP version.
I want the image on the left and the text on the right.
Testing the free version the Excerpt does not appear like I want.
You can see my site (under construction) here
Now with the free version there is image up
and the text down.
If I buy the pro version can I have what I need?
Thanks for answer


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Moderator 0 on December 13, 2019

Sorry for the late reply.
Yes in the pro version you can set the image to be float left.
This setting will make the image on the left and the text on the right.

Best Regards,
Tonjoostudio support

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