Home Page Excerpt Not Working
Updated on July 24, 2014 in Easy Custom Auto Excerpt
4 on July 24, 2014

Hey, I just updated the Easy Custom Auto Excerpt, and there are problems.

Here’s my blog. Code with C.

1. The home page excerpt is not working, and is not displaying featured images as well.

2. The excerpt is working on categories and the featured images are showing up too, but the images are aligned to the left of the post.

I want the images aligned to center. When I go to Excerpt settings, set the image position to center and click save options, the image position is still shown as left.

Help required urgently to solve these two problems.

And, I haven’t found other ridiculous problems this ridiculous update brought out of nowhere.

Hope the developers are not trying to force everyone to get upgraded to the excerpt’s premium version to fix these problems.

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Moderator 3 on July 24, 2014


Yes we have read your message at the forum.
We are on working now and it will be fixed on the next release soon.
Thank you for your patience.


on July 24, 2014

Okay Harris, hope the next release comes out soon. But, is there any way I take Easy Custom Auto Excerpt to the previous version; the current version is 2.0.5?

If I could, before your next release of this plugin, go back to version 2.0.4, everything in my site would look fine. Can this be done?


on July 24, 2014

Hey, we have updated our plugin to version 2.0.6
However if you want to downgrade your plugin to version 2.0.4, please download here: 
ECAE 2.0.4

on July 24, 2014

Thank you developers. 🙂 Excerpt is better than before, and this surely is the best excerpt plugin. Keep up the good work.


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