How to excerpt featured area only so my homepage still shows up!
Updated on December 29, 2017 in Easy Custom Auto Excerpt
5 on November 10, 2017

Hi friends! I’m troubleshooting
The excerpts work brilliantly for the featured area. However, it also excerpts the home page information, and when you click the read more button, it just redirects you to the homepage again and you still can’t read the main homepage text (the “Anna Werderitsch, L.Ac.” main area underneath the featured images).

I went into advanced options, but you can only set it to excerpt post types, not pages. Any recommendations?


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0 on November 10, 2017

Update: I used the "more" tag for featured items and set the excerpt amount to 10,000 words, so now my homepage info is showing. Then I adjusted my blogs to have a smaller excerpt amount. Whew! Let me know if there was an easy way to do this; it still would be nice to have it be automatic.

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Moderator 0 on November 10, 2017

Hi, glad you solve it by yourself.
But unfortunately there is no easier way than you have done because your need is very special and other users rarely need it. We still don’t know whether we plan to include it on our plugin options or not.

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0 on December 29, 2017

I just purchased this plugin and ran into the same situation. This is ridiculous. On my homepage, I am displaying only posts from a "home" category and that category is not used for any other posts.

In the Excerpt Location settings, I have specified "Selected Post type and Categories", Post Type as Posts and selected only those categories that are NOT displayed on my home page. I have the same settings for Blog Page Excerpt, Archive Excerpt, and Search Excerpt. I have disabled both the Front Page Excerpt and Page Excerpt.

On my homepage, I still get the excerpt and not the full post when clearly the post in not using one of the selected categories. The workaround that rayrozen has discussed may work but as a developer, you should fix your plugin.

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1 on December 29, 2017


I noticed that there is, in fact, a disable option for individual posts. I toggled this option on for the Posts with a home category and I get the look that I am after. However, this does make me curious about the ability to specify posts by category as this feature clearly does not work.

on December 29, 2017

Can I see your website and what theme do you use?

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