No license button to add license
Updated on February 19, 2016 in Easy Custom Auto Excerpt
21 on January 30, 2016

I have the Easy Custom Auto Excerpt and Easy Custom Auto Excerpt Premium. I don’t have a license button to click to enter my premium license. Where is it? Do I need to delete the premium version and install it again?

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Moderator 0 on January 30, 2016

Hi Sharen,
The premium plugin pack contain 2 plugin (free version + premium addons) you must install both.

Please check here :

Kind Regards,

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Message :
Moderator 0 on February 1, 2016


Please follow these screenshots:

"" ""

Thank you

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Message :
0 on February 2, 2016

Thank you for your assistance. I had both plugins installed a year ago. I deactivated and then deleted both plugins. Then I installed the plugins I got with my recent renewal.

I also activated my license.

1.However, nothing is excerpting on pages or posts. Is it because my license won’t be active until tomorrow, Tuesday, Feb. 2?

2. In General Options, I have chosen to excerpt 1-3 paragraphs. Do I need to put a number for excerpt size on the General Options page?

3. On the Advanced page, do I need to put in an excerpt size in the different kinds of excerpts?

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Message :
Moderator 0 on February 2, 2016

Hi Sharen,

I’ll try to answer your questions :

1. Are you still facing this issue?

2. You don’t need to set excerpt size number if using paragraph. You only need to use excerpt size number if using characters (Yes, it’s excerpt size number based on characters).

3. As I mention above, you only need to set excerpt size if using characters. Set 0 if you use paragraph instead

Thank you 🙂

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Message :
0 on February 4, 2016

I sent a reply to Zea’s last response yesterday, Tuesday, Feb. 2. I want to make sure you got it. I sent part of it privately. Thank you.

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Message :
Moderator 0 on February 4, 2016

Hi Sharen

Unfortunately, there’s an issue with our private message right now, so I’m not receiving your message… We are really sorry 🙁

You can post your message using secret message form bellow

Sorry for the inconvenience caused,

Thank you

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Message :
0 on February 5, 2016

I changed the excerpt sizes to 0.

Nothing is excerpting on my posts. I have chosen "no" to the question "Disable excerpt." I cleared the history for four browsers: Mozilla, Chrome, Internet Explorer and Safari. None of them show the excerpt working.

I have Word Press Related Posts plugin enabled. Could that be the problem?

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Message :
Moderator 0 on February 5, 2016

Hi Sharen,

No, I think that’s not a problem. I suspect it’s theme issue…

Do you set your excerpt method to characters? Also, can I see your website?

Thank you 🙂

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Message :
0 on February 5, 2016

My excerpt method is paragraph.

I haven’t changed my theme. It is the same theme I had when I first bought your plugin. Perhaps an update to the theme is causing the problem.

What credentials do you need to access my website? My admin credentials or FTP?

Also, is your secret message working? I sent a message to you by secret message several days ago, and you didn’t get it.

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Message :
Moderator 0 on February 9, 2016

Hi sharen,

There’s no plugin update for a momment,and "excerpt size" only works if you using Characters as excerpt.

Use this secret message form :


I only need your wp-admin credential, and let’s see what’s the issue 🙂

Thank you

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