the options have disappeared,can you help please?
the options have disappeared,can you help please?
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Hi there
Please try to re-install the plugin. If the issue still persist, try to deactivate other plugins, to see if there is any plugin conflict
Thank you
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ok,got it working again,the problem now is experts are various lengths,it looks really bad,i made a short clip for you to look at,hopefully there is a fix for this,thank you in advance zea
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Hi there!
Okay, we will check it out 🙂
Thank you for reporting this issue Denis shearer
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Zea,i think i have found the fix,i needed to make a paragraph,then it seemed ok,have a look at this
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Hi denis!
Glad you already solved the issue. We will update our plugin doc about this fix
Thank you!
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sorry spoke to soon,on further examination it is "hit and miss" works sometimes only
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mba zea..
maaf saya nulis disini..
soalnya saya telp. no hp ga aktif terus..
saya sms ga dibales..
saya kirim email sampe sekarang juga belum dibales..
saya itu cuma mau tanya..
di mino theme di halaman ‘single product’ apa bisa dikasih sidebar (widget)?
saya lihat di demo-nya ga ada sidebar-nya..
tolong pertanyaan saya direspon ya mba..
(heri sampurna – mata hati clothing)
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Support memang hanya via forum pak. Mohon membuat thread baru, agar tidak menganggu thread lain nya 🙂
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Okay, we will look into it Denis 🙂
Thank you
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