Problem with links
Updated on February 1, 2017 in Sangar Slider
4 on January 30, 2017

I have installed the Sangar slider and I have an issue on only one machine right now: if the user tries to click on the banner or the thumnbnail, nothing happens

You can see the URL in the browser status and if you right-click and choose "Open in new Tab" the right page opens.

It’s just the normal left-click that has no effect on the banner. I cannot reproduce this error on another PC but I cannot explain why it is happening making it difficult to explain to the client.

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Moderator 0 on January 31, 2017

Hi there!

I just check your website, and it seems everything is okay… I can click the slider just fine. Did I miss something? :/

Can you please create an screenshot regarding of issue? You can upload it to tinypic, or similar webs

Thank you

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Message :
0 on January 31, 2017

Hi Zea,

Thank you for looking into this. The problem only happens on one PC and I cannot reproduce it.

I was hoping somebody else had experienced this issue or that you had a suggestion but there is no way for me to take a screenshot since nothing happens when you click the image or title.

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Moderator 0 on February 1, 2017

Hmm… It’s weird…

So in another PC, no issue at all?
Please try using another web browser, also try to update your web browser to the newest version.

Are you able to use Inspect Element on your PC’s browser? If yes, you can check the "console" to see if there are any errors.

Thank you

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Message :
0 on February 1, 2017

It is very strange, here are my answers:

  1. yes, it is only on one PC

  2. Same issue occurs on other browsers

  3. No errors in console

  4. Browsers were latest version

So I’m almost certain it is not the Slider however since the link issue only happens on the slider and all other links work, I had to enquire.

Do you have any other suggestions?

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