Hi all,
I am a little bit desperate because I’ve already bought Sangar Slider plugin and it’s working pretty good in one of my sites but it’s no working good in other site. I made all the configuration well and all the settings are pretty similar to the one that it works but still no working.
So I though that maybe is happening like is usual with some plugins in WordPress, the installation was not very well completed whatever be the reason for that. Then, I tried to remove the plugin from my WP installation. I removed the plugins from plugin section but when I’ll back to installed them, the issue is the same, it’s no working so I think I have to try removing completely the plugins from my WP installations but I don’t know how to do it beyond the plugins section. I’ve already taken a look to my server through FTP but after remove the plugins using the standard method (plugins section) I can’t see anything about Sangar Slide in the ftp. May be I have to remove them from the database, too but I don´t know how to do it.
I need some help. Please. Thank you!