Property Image Navigation
Updated on August 3, 2018 in Kensington
7 on August 2, 2018

Could you please help me to add navigation on the single property view.

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Moderator 0 on August 3, 2018

Hello philip ,
Can you explain us what kind of navigation do you want to add? Maybe explanation with images will make it easier to help you.
Or do you mean navigation like post navigation in single post (previous and next button at below the post)?

Thank you.

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Message :
1 on August 3, 2018

Thank you for the reply, Please look at this:

So the issue I have with the template on screens wit smaller Resolutions You do not see the bottom Scrolling navigation.

on August 3, 2018

Please complete with your url website address.

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Message :
1 on August 3, 2018

on August 3, 2018

I visit your website and reduce my screen resolution and all looks normal. What do you mean with bottom scrolling navigation?

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Message :
1 on August 3, 2018

So some of the resolutions I have tested.

On :
a. 1280 x 600 larger up to 1080p the Menu I’m using is sticky,
b. 1152 x 864 and smaller the menu scrolls.

a. the Smaller resolutions from less than 1080p the menu is sticky and gives you this:
Screen resolution – 1280 x 720

b. if its 1152 x 864 and smaller then the menu is not sticky so you have this screen :
Screen resolution – 1152 x 864

Hope it makes sense.

on August 3, 2018

Oh I see know, but sorry it is too much complicated to activate the sticky menu when the resolution is under 1200px. You have edit the css and js file.

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