Purchased theme
Updated on July 9, 2020 in Kensington
27 on March 14, 2019

Good day I bought you a template 1b6087d4-6f5a-44f1-a4cc-4b279a924c45!
Let me explain a few conditions:
1) I don’t understand SASS, LESS, and other things like that, and understand they do not want.
2) I don’t understand JS

After buying the template, I decided that I was satisfied with the option of the main page / index-property-3.html, the rest I deleted from directory
html/dest/ , then I got the error!!!

I understand this error is due to the fact that the template can not find other options INDEX page.

Hence the question, I can get a template with the following structure, without any SASS, LESS, GRUNT :

the css folder
image folder
the js folder
fonts folder
(template files, those that suited me)

And that I would not have errors in the console?
Without any edits in JS codes.

My task is to pull the template to the engine, and sit for a few days to resolve issues with the template does not suit me.

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0 on March 14, 2019

It turns out the error falls even with the new website
This is link https://prnt.sc/mxn7b1

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Message :
1 on March 14, 2019

you even have this error in the demo

on March 14, 2019

Hi nikandrovs,
Can you tell me what kind of error you get? because from your screenshot, this error is only on the map and does not related with you deleted files from dist directory.

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Message :
1 on March 14, 2019

Yes, I then realized that this error is somehow connected with Google maps, because when you go to the page without deleting, there is still the same error.

Now I removed the script Google maps and the error has passed. In principle, I do not plan to use this service. Tell me in the future I will not have any problems when removing any sections from the page, for example, if I want to change the structure of the blocks in the template?

on March 14, 2019

Glad you realized it.
I think you will not get any error if you just change the structure of the blocks.
Yes, just come back here if you find any error in the future and i will help you

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0 on March 14, 2019

Thanks! Like for support!

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Message :
1 on March 14, 2019

An error appeared! I work with the modus system, loaded the head and script blocks (you can see in the browser), and the header block. Body assigned class brand-green. Now when you visit the site first you can see how the brand-green class is set, but then the settings become the default.If I delete the apps file.min.js-it’s okay! But it’s a crutch, I suspect that with further addition of blocks, this crutch will emerge!

Mysite http://elitst4q.beget.tech/

on March 15, 2019

Hi nikandrovs,
If you want to change to be green color make sure brand-green class has been added to the header in every files (in body tag). When it turn to default, I suspect because your modus system does not work correctly so the brand-green class has not been added.

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Message :
1 on March 15, 2019

What’s the system, take a file such as "index-property-3.html " in body, change class to <body class=" header-1 page-header-1 brand-green"> and try loading this page; it will change to <body class="header-1 page-header-1 brand-default">. How to save changes?

on March 15, 2019

Are you sure you visit index-property-3.html? I suspect you visit the page where you have not edited the file. It is weird because once it is saved as brand-green it will stay brand-green.

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1 on March 15, 2019

You think I have time to make a fool of myself? Here’s the



on March 15, 2019

I do following what you do but I got no error. It keep brand-green, so I don’t know what going wrong.

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Message :
0 on March 15, 2019

What am I supposed to do now? Obviously the problem is in the apps file.min.js, I deleted it and everything works! http://elitst4q.beget.tech / But I understand that in the future some functionality will stop working without it? What could be the problem? Can you delete this code?

function setTheme(theme) {
var currentClass = siteBody.attr("class");
void 0 === currentClass && (currentClass = ""),
currentClass = currentClass ? currentClass.split(/\s+/) : [];
for (var i = currentClass.length – 1; i >= 0; i–)
"brand-" === currentClass[i].substr(0, 6) && currentClass.splice(i, 1);
var newClass = currentClass.join(" ");
siteBody.attr("class", newClass),
"brand-default" === theme ? (navbarBrandImage.attr("src", "assets/images/header-logo-default.png"),
footerBrandImage.attr("src", "assets/images/footer-logo-default.png")) : "brand-yellow" === theme ? (navbarBrandImage.attr("src", "assets/images/header-logo-yellow.png"),
footerBrandImage.attr("src", "assets/images/footer-logo-yellow.png")) : "brand-red" === theme ? (navbarBrandImage.attr("src", "assets/images/header-logo-red.png"),
footerBrandImage.attr("src", "assets/images/footer-logo-red.png")) : "brand-orange" === theme ? (navbarBrandImage.attr("src", "assets/images/header-logo-orange.png"),
footerBrandImage.attr("src", "assets/images/footer-logo-orange.png")) : "brand-green" === theme && (navbarBrandImage.attr("src", "assets/images/header-logo-green.png"),
footerBrandImage.attr("src", "assets/images/footer-logo-green.png"))
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Message :
1 on March 15, 2019

What other code is responsible for customizer?

on March 15, 2019

Customizer is only for demo purpose. You can remove it on production

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Message :
0 on March 15, 2019

Yes, I understand that he’s for display only, as I my problem to solve? I’ll say it again by removing that piece of code from Apps.min.js everything works as it should, the problem might be there?

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