Slow loading map
Updated on April 9, 2018 in Kensington
4 on March 12, 2018


1.When using the search button : the loading is so slow it sometimes never loads

If I go directly to the page with the map – they all display instantly on the map and properly, as soon as I use the search feature I need to deal with extremely long loading.

I need to fix that,

2. Also, when I create a pRoperty>LOCATION – I would like to create a city and then the neighborhoods of that city using the ”
Assign a parent term to create a hierarchy. The term Jazz, for example, would be the parent of Bebop and Big Band.”

Turns out that even with that option, the parent doesn’t show in the dropdown or anywhere on the site.


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Moderator 0 on March 12, 2018

Hi fdaseo,
1. It is bug and we have fixed it. Please download our pre-release version 1.0.1, the link in the secret box.

2. It is normal here,on my desktop. When I add property location and assign it as child location for certain parent location, both all of the parent location and child location appear in the dropdown normally. It doesn’t show might because still there is no property for that location.

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Message :
0 on March 17, 2018


I do not see any secret box for the link. You can send it to otherwise.

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Message :
1 on April 8, 2018

What do you mean by secret box?

on April 9, 2018

I mean secret message. Can you see like this?
By the way, we have updated it to fix the map problem and other issues. You can donwload the latest version of Kensington theme through your account at themeforest

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