Strip shortcode does not work
Updated on September 1, 2015 in Easy Custom Auto Excerpt
4 on August 26, 2015

in your plugin I put in settings Strip shortcode -> no

However,in announcements of posts shortcode trimmed on my site

I am using the theme of the blog is The7.2

Why trimmed shortcode in announcements
How to fix it



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Moderator 0 on August 27, 2015


Sorry for late response,

If you dont mind, can you share your web credentials? So we can investigate any further… 🙂

Thank you

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Message :
0 on August 27, 2015

I have to give you a username and password in the admin panel of my blog?

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Message :
0 on August 27, 2015

If yes, how to do it privately?

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Moderator 0 on September 1, 2015


Sorry for late response,

Yes, that would be very helpful. It’s quite hard to debug from outside :/

You can use secret message form below. You can change your password later after your problem solved 🙂

Thank you

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