Testimonials not displaying correctly
Updated on May 8, 2020 in Kensington
1 on May 7, 2020

Hi Guys,

My client has purchased the kensington theme, and I have installed it for them.

For some reason the testimonials plugin is not displaying correctly. There are currently 3 testimonials and they aren’t alternating sides properly. At present the 1st is on the right, then the next 2 are both on the left. Also it is scrolling to show parts of each testimonial, not the entire message.

You can see the problem here:


Any help would be much appreciated.



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Moderator 0 on May 8, 2020

It is maybe because the number of testimonial is odd (3 testimonials), so try to make it even (ex: 4 testimonials).

Best Regards,
Tonjoostudio support

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