Thumbnail Beside Text Instead of Above and Below
Updated on July 21, 2014 in Easy Custom Auto Excerpt
1 on July 21, 2014

Hello there authors and users of the amazing plugin Easy Custom Auto Excerpt. It has been great to me on all my blogs for the past many months and I have recommended it to as many of my blogger friends as possible and they too are singing its praises. There is another plugin that I wouldn’t mind your plugin to emulate. That is “Thumbnail for Excerpt” which hasn’t been updated in years but is still great today. If you could design a mode where the excerpt plugin would allow the post excerpt would have text and pictures alongside each other just like thumbnail for excerpt plugin.

The thumbnail and the text would be in the same row instead of just having the image or video appear at the top of the excerpt and the summarized text below. This works out great but I want my text and image side by side sometimes too, even a video in the same line as the text instead of only the image in this case.

I see you have a premium version of your plugin. Will what I have suggested above in this message be in the premium version and/or free version too or any at all? I would really appreciate this. See what you can do and I am sure I am not the only one requesting this feature. Will this happen? Please reply as soon as possible.

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Moderator 0 on July 21, 2014

Hello Abe!,

Glad to know our plugin is work well for you 🙂

Our team are discussed about your idea today and we have decide that we will implement it soon on the premium edition.

Thank you for your support


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