Unwanted bold/strong style
Updated on January 9, 2018 in Easy Custom Auto Excerpt
8 on January 5, 2018

Suddenly I noticed that part of my front page and all of my blog contents are now bold, I noticed that the “read more” button is weirdly changing once to bold and once to regular. I tried to deactivate the plug in and realized that it was the problem. I have not change a thing, it turned out like this alone… how can I fix it?

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Moderator 0 on January 5, 2018

Hi shanny45,
Can I see your website? or what theme do you use? so I can inspect your website and find out what is wrong.

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4 on January 5, 2018

Yes, Thank you:

Now it happans only in my blog. although it is not english, you can see that the left sidebar is bold.
(Even the line of “all right reserved..” at the bottom)

In general, it feels like the plugin does what it wants… I set it to first-second paragraph and now suddenly it shows more than that at the excerpt. it doesn’t work so well…

The theme is TwentySeventeen.

on January 5, 2018

hmm… it is weird, have you deactivated all the plugins except easy custom auto excerpt plugin? sometimes it conflicts with other plugins.

on January 5, 2018

Yes I tried that…maybe something with the styling of the read more button?

on January 5, 2018

May I login into your web so I know your plugin setting? write the login credential with secret message

on January 8, 2018

did you see the screenshots? what do you think?

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0 on January 5, 2018

I can attach screenshots.

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Moderator 0 on January 9, 2018

Unfortunately, your problem is not something that can be solved just by seeing your screenshot settings.

I have to login into your blog in order to investigate what’s wrong with it.

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