I would like to use a slider as my page featured image. Do I need to put some code into my header.php file?
I would like to use a slider as my page featured image. Do I need to put some code into my header.php file?
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Yes, please use this code in the template file :
Thank you
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Yes, please use this code in the template file :
<?php do_shortcode(‘[YOUR SLIDER SHORTCODE HERE]’); ?>
Thank you
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Hi Zea,
I added as both versions below.
<?php do_shortcode(‘[[sangar-slider id=63]]’); ?>
<?php do_shortcode(‘[sangar-slider id=63]’); ?>
I added both versions to the Landing Page Template PHP file and the Functions PHP file. None of it did anything. Is there something I need to do to call it up on the page once it’s added? When I try to add a featured page I don’t have any options but the pics I’ve got uploaded.
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Just use single square bracket [ ], and single quote.
<?php do_shortcode(‘[sangar-slider id=63]’); ?>
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By using the forum you are agree with tonjoo studio license agreement
Hi Joshua,
Depending on where do you want to show your slider. If you want to show in homepage, try add the code into index.php/homepage.php or similiar 🙂
Thank you
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