Where can I find demo import?
Updated on April 26, 2018 in Kensington
5 on April 25, 2018

Hi, I don’t know where can I find demo import. Where is easy-one-click? Help me please.

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Moderator 0 on April 25, 2018

Hi docupaper,
The dummy xml files located at kensington/dummy folder.

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Message :
1 on April 25, 2018

Hi, thanks for your fast reply.
If I set my site exactly same as style 3 property with images, what can I do? Just xml files in dummy folder.

on April 26, 2018

Actually the xml file is just for fill your website with contents, but if about style, you can configure it with appearance–>customise–>appearance–>style and then choose style 3.

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Message :
1 on April 26, 2018

Okay. I solve the problems. It is quite different compares with my previous theme configue… Thanks for your helping!

1. Can I modify property data options to introduce other object? For example, ‘Area & Rooms’ to ‘Color & pattern’. I want to know how change codes and if it’s to hard, also want to know fix it by you with extra payment. For just change some words.

2. I want to use this world map plug-in for ‘Location’ https://codecanyon.net/item/interactive-world-maps/2874264?s_rank=1 Can it be possible?

3. I also need this color filter for goods. https://codecanyon.net/item/woocommerce-products-color-filters-wp-plugin/3424844?s_rank=2 Can I set it up on this theme? Waiting for your reply thanks 🙂

on April 26, 2018

1. It is possible but too complicated to be explained here because not just edit one file, it may up to 2-4 files. Contact us at contact@tonjoo.com if you want to continue with extra payment.
2 & 3. We can’t give the answer because it is a paid plugin which we don’t have, so we can’t test it out with Kensington. We don’t have any idea if it works or not with Kensington.

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