Width of the image doesn’t work
Updated on July 1, 2016 in Easy Custom Auto Excerpt
6 on March 16, 2016


I bought the image because I wanted that all my featured images had the same time. I fix it to 400 px.
However, it doesn’t work and all my images have different width. So, I bought the plugin for nothing..

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0 on March 16, 2016

Nothing work indeed (except the read button. I select : "display all the image".
The following articles have images but the images aren’t display except (the first one has a featured images) http://www.conseilsparissportifs.fr/pronostic-ligue1/

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Message :
Moderator 0 on March 17, 2016


I think it’s theme issue. If you don’t mind, can I borrow your wp-admin for a momment? So I can help you fix your theme issue. You can use secret message form bellow 🙂

Thank you

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0 on March 17, 2016

Hi Zea,

Can I give you the access of my test website instead?

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Moderator 0 on March 18, 2016


Yes of course, as long as we can debug the issue 🙂

Thank you in advance

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Message :
0 on July 1, 2016

Just bought the Premium version … it does what it states with images.

Image width can be set AUTO or specific WIDTH

I tested with a square image ( 200×200 ) and specific width 300 , the result is quite weird , too much space around it.. how can I reduce it in this case ?
see http://lerhinodescharentes.fr

thanks for feedback

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0 on July 1, 2016

I have another question related to video posts ..<br />

I am using the WP Video Lightbox plugin to insert video in my posts, like in the latest post "Aliquam ut lectus mauris" ( http://lerhinodescharentes.fr)

[video_lightbox_youtube video_id="v2UoV0bEpNg&rel=0" width="400" height="250" auto_thumb=1]

This generate a thumbnail image in the post which is not displayed in the excerpt… any trick to get it displayed ?

thanks for feedback

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