slug or page name for category pages?
Updated on December 5, 2014 in Easy Custom Auto Excerpt
1 on December 4, 2014

Hi – I am having problems working out What to put in the “Excerpt in page” for the page ID or page slug for a category page my choices seem to be ?cat=2 or research-evidence but I am not certain of whether they need quotes % \ or anything else round them as neither seems to work.

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Moderator 0 on December 5, 2014

The “?cat=2” means an archive page with category id = 2, not a page. The WordPress page will have url like this “?page_id=2”.

If you want to activate the plugin in a specific category, for now, the ECAE plugin is supported for a whole archive page, but not in a specific category archive.

We are working for the specific category archive function and will release soon.


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