Meta & Date removal
Updated on April 6, 2018 in Easy Custom Auto Excerpt
8 on February 25, 2018

I’m using WP meta & date removal plugin and just added Easy Custom Auto Excerpt to the Blog Page. Works great except it’s showing the date and meta info. Any way I can remove those using this plugin?

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Moderator 0 on February 26, 2018

Hi zone5studio,
If you just want to hide it you can hide easily via your style.css file. Tell me your website url and I will give you the css code to hide it, then you can paste it into set custom css textarea.

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Message :
1 on February 27, 2018

Thank you for the fast reply, Agep. Currently I’m working in localhost with xampp. Eventually it will be published on "".

In re-reading my original query, it wasn’t very clear. After activating Easy Custom Auto Excerpt, the meta & date info is still removed from all the posts except the excerpts on the Blog page, if that makes any difference in the css code.

on February 27, 2018

Yes it makes any difference in the css code beacuse ECAE inject html tag with a new class. I suspect this new class disturb WP meta & date removal so it can’t hide the proper element.
Or for the alternative because you are still developing in localhost, send me your theme and I will install it on my local and then I will give you the css code to hide post meta

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Message :
1 on March 7, 2018

Apologies for the late reply. I am using Focus Pro from Studiopress. I should be able to publish in a couple of days, so maybe easier to wait until it’s online? Thank you.

on March 7, 2018

Okay, I’ll wait untill it is online

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Message :
1 on April 3, 2018

Thanks for patience. Site is online now at:

Above is the blog page – everything else works correctly.

But same thing is happening to another site that I just converted to Studiopress theme "Beautiful Pro":

It’s just leaving "by/" at top of the posts. I am going to change the theme on that one however. Maybe if you show me css for the first site, I can figure out how to do the others if it comes up again.


Thank you

on April 3, 2018

your “by/” text is inside entry-meta class, so the easy way to hide it is give display none to the style.css.

To hide it, paste this code to your style.css
p.entry-meta {
display: none;

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Message :
0 on April 6, 2018

Well, that just worked slick as a whistle! The two sites were leaving different partial phrases, and after applying your instructions, all the remaining words and characters disappeared from both sites.

Thank you so much!

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