Plugin error in multilanguage page
Updated on December 18, 2017 in Fluid Responsive Slideshow
1 on December 18, 2017

Hi I’ve got the Fluid Responsive Slideshow install in my page, I have it in two languages and two slideshows one for each language.<br />
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One of them works properly in one language but the other one doesn’t behave how it should do. I make every kind of changes in the slideshow options but they don’t apply in the slider. For example, I have set the Fullwidth to true but when I see it in my page, the slider doesn’t fit the whole width of the screen and in the source code I can see how the parameters of the function is set to false. The same happens if I change the skin, the time or the clock display… None of the changes are made when the slider is displayed.<br />
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Does anyone have a clue of what can be happening???<br />
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Thanks in advance

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Moderator 0 on December 18, 2017

Firstly, I want to say thank you for using our plugin (Fluid Responsive Slider/FRS) but unfortunately currently we don’t support any longer for this plugin. We have upgraded this plugin to a brand new plugin called Sangar slider. Sangar slider is better and more powerful than FRS. So we strongly recommend you to use Sangar slider.

Thank you

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