select pictures from subfolders to slideshow
Updated on October 9, 2017 in Fluid Responsive Slideshow
4 on October 9, 2017

You cant select pictures from subfolders of media library?

I use "WordPress Media Library Folders" plugin and have greated folders to media library to easier handle lots of pics.

When i go to add images to slideshow, all images show in same folder… You cant change folder from where you would like to add images..

Does this slideshow support option to insert images from different folder?

Or are people using some other folder plugin etc?

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Moderator 0 on October 9, 2017

Hi DJ68, this plugin use default media library folder, and I think this plugin can not detect the folder that has been generated by WordPress Media Library Folders plugin.

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0 on October 9, 2017

It creates folders under wp-content/uploads same way as i can do with ftp etc.

So any solution to folder issue?

Or do i need to find some other slideshow… I tryed one other also with same issue..

Would be place to be better than others slideshows to implement this.

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Moderator 0 on October 9, 2017

maybe you better contact media library folder plugin developer and ask them how to display the image folder on other plugin…

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0 on October 9, 2017

Is this supporting other than media library root folder? I think not, but can you give answer?

If it is, how and need of some other plugin?

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