Image view fullscreen
Updated on June 2, 2020 in Kensington
5 on August 10, 2019

Is it possible to have the property images popup and show on the screen?

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Moderator 0 on August 12, 2019

We don’t have feature like that, but alternatively you can build your popup gallery with post editor and additional plugin.
1. Create a gallery for your properties.
2. install simple lightbox plugin (
3. for the simple lightbox settings, just leave all the default
4. Now, go to your single property with a gallery that you have made (on step 1)
5. The gallery will look like this

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Message :
0 on August 12, 2019

Ok thanks for your reply!

Last question I cant seem to find this specific homepage layout: Style 3 property 2

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Message :
0 on June 2, 2020

Will this feature ever be added? The current gallery cuts off half of the picture and is worthless.

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Moderator 0 on June 2, 2020

We have added this feature on the latest update.

Best Regards,
Tonjoostudio support

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Message :
0 on June 2, 2020

I’m sorry, I didn’t even try clicking on the thumbnails. But I think most people are like me and would expect clicking on the top image to bring it up full screen, and instead nothing happens. Will this be fixed?

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