Need two buttons, depending on post type
Updated on November 11, 2015 in Easy Custom Auto Excerpt
1 on November 10, 2015

I’ve got two different applications for your “read more” button depending on the post format. For text posts, I’d like it to say “read more”. But for image posts, I’d like it to say “For a bigger image…”

Is it possible to generate two different shortcodes to insert in the post depending on which button I need? They both have the same function (opening the full post), but I’d need them to say two different things.


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Moderator 0 on November 11, 2015


We are really sorry, for the moment ECAE still do not have those features 🙁

We will consider for future development 🙂

But, if you need those features urgently, you can open a quote to our marketing for quick fix 🙂

Thank you

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