I want 3 slides horizontally in a carousel. Right now it shows part of one, one full size slide, then part of next. I want 3 to a screen, just like in https://customtirecovers.com/
I want 3 slides horizontally in a carousel. Right now it shows part of one, one full size slide, then part of next. I want 3 to a screen, just like in https://customtirecovers.com/
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There’s option for caraousel in slider template 🙂
Thank you
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I tried that, but it is not what I wanted. I want 3 slides in a row with a carousel function just like: https://customtirecovers.com/
Example of the template you suggested is here:
Also, I do not understand why the slides are cut-off the way they are. I can set the container size but the image remains huge, so as a result, the slides in the carousel are cutoff.
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You can use layer editor for that purpose. And that’s not carrousel, it’s just ordinary slider template, but with 3 images on it. Please follow this screenshot :
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Ok, I figured it out now, thanks.
Is there a way to copy slides to other sliders or copy sliders?
I have a lot of sliders that will have the same settings but with different slides; and many of the slides are on multiple sliders. It would be very helpful if that were possible, similar to the copy slides function on the same slider.
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You can duplicate your slide, and only change the image :
Thank you
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