Sangar Slider Not Working When Placed On Page
Updated on February 20, 2017 in Sangar Slider
4 on February 10, 2017


I’ve been using the free version of Sangar Slider on my WordPress site for a few months now and have loved it and received positive feedback on it.

However, after updating WordPress a few days ago, it has stopped working, and also stops all of the other content on the page from loading.

I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled, and tried creating new post sliders/pages but it still persists and makes those pages very slow.

I see a preview whilst editing the post sliders, but a preview does not appear when adding it the page via the button.

Any ideas of how I can resolve this?

Thanks you.

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0 on February 16, 2017

Had no response yet? Can anyone provide any help or should I try using another PlugIn?

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Message :
Moderator 0 on February 17, 2017

Hello there!

Really sorry, your thread is drowned, thanks for bump it again.

Regarding of your issue, what version of wordpress you using?

Did you install another plugins or theme recently? It could be conflict with another plugin.

You can try this, deactivate all other plugins (except sangar slider), and see if it works. Then, activate all again one-by-one, to see what plugin causing the issue.

Thank you

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Message :
0 on February 17, 2017

Hi, thanks for the reply.

I’m using 4.7.2.

I have now gone through the plugins and found the one causing the problem. It’s called Cool Image Share.

They were both active for months without any issue, so it must have been caused by an update.

But I will now find a replacement for that plugin. Thank you for resolving the problem.

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Message :
Moderator 0 on February 20, 2017

Hi there!

Thanks for the info, we will investigate that plugin and check its compability with sangar slider

Thank you

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