3 small errors / issues
Updated on December 20, 2016 in Sangar Slider
2 on December 15, 2016

Hi there,

Really liking the plugin so far – it’s great!

I just have 3 issues I need your help with please:
– When the slider loads, there’s a black box for a really short time – how can I turn this off / change it to white? I already changed the setting "Behaviour & Others" but the black still shows (just for less time)

– When I try to upload images or change text fonts using your plugin, the plugin menu is at the front, and I can’t access the items that are behind (e.g. the window is in front of my media library, and there’s a black overlay blocking me using it). Please fix this, as it makes the plugin very annoying to use

– I have an image which is 700px, when I use it in my slider I make sure it’s full size (700px wide), but on the live site it’s only 64em, I don’t know why this is resizing

– Is there a way for us to edit image sizes without having to reupload the image? It’s annoying to have to use a new image just to change the size a few px!


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Moderator 0 on December 20, 2016

Hi there!

Thank you for using our plugin, and regarding of your questions :

1. I will inform this issue to our devs, so they can take a look. Thank you for reporting.

2. Can you provide the screenshot? So I can have a better understanding 🙂

3. Please use FULL WIDTH and FULL HEIGHT in advance settings

4. You can always use built-in WordPress image editor to change your image size. Also, you can use sangar slider layer editor for that purpose (assuming it’s not background image, but layer image).


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Message :
0 on December 20, 2016

Hi Zea,

Thanks for your reply.

1. Can we get an idea of how long this will take please? It’s the factor that decides when we can actually go live with your plugin!

2. Sure thing, please see the two images linked to here: The


first image shows me trying to select an image, the media library loads below the editor screen for some reason.


Image two shows what happens when I try to change the font – the dropdown opens behind the window too.

3. Hmm I don’t really get this one, it seems to change the height of the container, but I’m not sure why this changes the image size itself? It’s not a background image and the font doesn’t change size.

4. Could you send any screenshots for the sangar slider layer editor please? I can’t see where this is?


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