Background fullscreen problem
Updated on June 12, 2017 in Sangar Slider
10 on June 6, 2017


I can’t get the background to extend to the border of the site. I use Cherry Framework and I’ve already tried to turn of the template slider (FRS).

Best regards,

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Moderator 0 on June 7, 2017

Hi there!

I see you are still using FRS. Please make sure to disable it, and use Sangar Slider instead. I already set it to full width…

If still not working, put the shortcode outside container in your template.

Maybe something like this :

<div class="container">

<?php echo do_shortcode(‘SHORTCODE-HERE’); ?>


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Message :
0 on June 7, 2017

Hi again,
I can’t get it to work. I’m not actually sure what I do wrong.

Kind regards,

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Message :
0 on June 7, 2017

I’ve disabled FRS and added the code in the text editor but the slider is only slightly bigger.

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Message :
Moderator 0 on June 8, 2017

Hi there!

That is because you put the slider inside container :

Please put the shortcode outside the container sir. Or maybe I can help you with the template, if I have the access (FTP/cPanel) 🙂

Thank you

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Message :
0 on June 8, 2017

Yes please 🙂

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0 on June 9, 2017
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Message :
1 on June 9, 2017

I’ve edited the file from the control panel and inserted your code outside the container but it didn’t work. I then tried to move the existing code referring to the slider outside the container but then only the left side of the slider extended to the end of the screen.

I would be grateful if you could help me.

Best regards,

on June 12, 2017

Hi there!

Sorry for late response. Weekend we are off 🙂

I just edited your theme file to integrate full-width Sangar Slider. Please check your web. I hope it’s something you expect 🙂

Thank you

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Message :
0 on June 12, 2017

Thanks Zea for all your help. 🙂

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Moderator 0 on June 12, 2017

Hi @Andreas

You’re welcome 🙂

Thank you

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