Bought FR Slider, instead got SangarSlider which doesn’t work the same…
Updated on September 22, 2016 in Sangar Slider
6 on September 19, 2016

I purchased the FR Slider but instead got the Sangar Slider, I tried to use the sangar slider but it does not work as well as the FR slider. In the FR slider I was able to display the shortcode widgets and the slider load time was fast but on the Sangar Slider I am not able to display the shortcode widget, instead it displays the actual code and the slider loads much slower. Please let me know how I can get that pro features that I purchased of the FR Slider or help me get the SangarSlider to display properly.

Thank you.

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Moderator 0 on September 19, 2016

Hi Erika !<br />
We have added FRS premium to your license, please kindly check<br />
<br />

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Message :
Moderator 0 on September 19, 2016

Hi there!

We can change your purchase with FRS Premium 🙂

Thank you

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Message :
0 on September 20, 2016

Do I need to reload the software, how do I check to see if the premium is there. Right now, it is still the same, I can’t add anymore layers and it’s not responsive.

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Message :
0 on September 20, 2016
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Message :
0 on September 21, 2016

I loaded the plugin upgrade you provided and activate it for the pro features, however, I am still not able to see the layers functions and it is still not responsive. The pro description of the plugin stated that I would have the ability to use layers and that it would be responsive, but that is not what I am able to do. I am only able to do what I was able to do in the standard non-pro features. How can I get the Fluid Responsive Slideshow pro features that I purchased?

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Message :
Moderator 0 on September 22, 2016

Hi Erika,

Maybe I can help you with installation and setup? If I can borrow your wp-admin for a seconds 🙂

Thank you

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