ECAE doesn’t allow me to customize another blog
Updated on September 17, 2020 in Easy Custom Auto Excerpt
1 on September 17, 2020


I have the ECAE plugin installed and it works fine for part of my website.

I have two blogs, and I want ECAE to work on one blog only.

  • this is the blog where I want ECAE to work, and it works well.

  • this is the blog where I do want to apply ECAE

It looks like the ECAE plugin cannot be set in such a way that there are different settings for different blogs. You can only apply one set of settings to certain parts of your blog, and then have them not applied to other sections.

So, I have applied the plugin to only apply to the first blog, but as a result the excerpts in the second blog are not customizable anymore. And the second blog doesn’t give an excerpt at all.

How can I add an excerpt to the second blog, but in such a way that it is different from the other blog?

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0 on September 17, 2020

I failed to upload screenshots.
But here’s a further explanation:

The blog is having problems:

  • I have designed the archive template with Elementor exactly as I want, including ‘Show excerpt’, and the preview shows me exactly the correct design

  • However, when the blog is live, it looks like the elementor design is overruled by the ECAE plugin, because 1) it does NOT show the excerpt, but it shows the full content of the blog

It is correct that ECAE should overrule the archive design in the first blog (to which I have applied ECAE!).
But it should NOT overrule the archive design in the second blog (which is not included in the location settings of ECAE!)

How can I prevent ECAE from overruling this Elementor design for this particular blog?

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