ECEA conflict with post grid from VC
Updated on August 29, 2019 in Easy Custom Auto Excerpt
5 on August 28, 2019

ECEA conflicts with the default post grid excerpt on my website. The page is built with Visual Composer v5. it shows nicely when the page is loading, but reverts to basic excerpt when the page is fully loaded. I must be missing something, but i think i need to override the theme excerpt function.

Thanks for your help.


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Moderator 0 on August 29, 2019

We have not tested it yet with VC v5 since it is premium plugin. So if you don’t mind give me your login access to your website so I can find the problem.

Tonjoostudio support

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Message :
1 on August 29, 2019

Hi and thank you for the prompt response. <br />
I’ve found a place where the problem doesn’t exist : <br />
(look at the "recent publications with the group" tab after the text)
looking forward to reading you. <br />

on August 29, 2019

It seems that VC override ECAE. I have seen the VC code but I can’t find the code which responsible to overide the ECAE code. Maybe you can also contact the VC support to get better explaination about how post grid on VC works.

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Message :
0 on August 29, 2019

As expected, VC have asked me to refer to your team for help. <br />
All works fine on some pages and overridden on others. <br />

Here is the latest reply from VC : <br />

"We are not sure about how the excerpt plugins work as the standard grids rely on default WordPress excerpt and excerpt box. It will require further debugging into the excerpt plugin output to check for the conflict at your end. Once found, a custom php/js code can be written to handle the same…"<br />
<br />
Is this helpful ?

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Message :
0 on August 29, 2019

‘Our standard grids pull the excerpt from default WordPress text editor using the_excerpt WordPress function. If any custom excerpt is specified via WordPress excerpt meta box, then it uses the same.’

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