Free Shipping up to 30k
Updated on August 3, 2020 in Plugin Ongkos Kirim
1 on August 1, 2020

I would like to offer this scenario to my customers:

If the shipping fee is IDR 30,000 or less… then the cost will be free.

If the shipping fee is above IDR 30,000, then the customer pays and there isn’t any discount.

Currently, I see there is an option for the Shipping Cost Markup… but this would decrease the price by 30k for everything.

Is there a way to only set it for 30k and under shipping fees? And then the customer pays full price if the order is over 30k?

Thank you for your help!

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Moderator 0 on August 3, 2020


Unfortunately, there is no feature yet that cover your scenario in our plugin.

Tonjoostudio support

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