Read More button sometimes not showing?
Updated on May 4, 2018 in Easy Custom Auto Excerpt
2 on May 4, 2018

I have set up the plugin for first 400 characters + "Show only first Image" (I don´t know if it is relevant ) but in some cases (post excerpts – just scrolling on main page) the button "read more" does not show.
Can you please help me to find out why and how to fix it?
Thank you very much.

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1 on May 4, 2018

I am sorry: I must be tired 🙂
You actually have the "Display option" in the "Read More Button" menu – and it works exactly as it should – so problem solved!

on May 4, 2018

Hi karolhlava,
Nice to see you solve the problem by your self. Yes take some rest if you fell tired… 🙂

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