Remove Padding and Make Full Width
Updated on February 13, 2018 in Sangar Slider
2 on February 13, 2018


I just purchased Sanger Slider. Nice product. I a experienced Joomla developer, but just getting into WordPress. I’m using your slider to replace a static image on a website. The website that has the static image is The candles and text is getting replaced with sanger slider. I have the slider active on I have it pretty much the way I want it except I need to make it look "full width" like on I’ve set the options to be full width but not doing what I want. Do I need to use the Custom CSS area? If so, where and what do I need to change? Thanks in advance for the help!


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Moderator 0 on February 13, 2018

Helo Joe.rebele,
I inspect your website and found that your container width prevents to make it to be full width. The container width is 1440px. This make your ss lider width is 1440px at max.

just try to make container full width 100% so it is full width on the screen and then the ss slider width will follow its width.
Don’t forget to set slider scalling is full width.
it can be found at slideshow options–>more options

Warm regards,

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0 on February 13, 2018


Thanks! Got it. Thanks for the help! That’s what I was afraid of. I thought there would be a way for me to override the container size in the custom css for the slide. Thanks again.


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