Renewal Not Extending Current License for Plugin
Updated on June 2, 2017 in Sangar Slider
3 on May 28, 2017

I love the product so much that I purchased a renewal to the existing Master License but the expiry of the renewal has not extended the current license, instead it added another Master License and added a new expiry date. Could you please fix this for me?

Gihan Jay

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Moderator 0 on May 29, 2017

Hi there!

Are you sure you hit renew button instead of buy new one? I’ll report this to our dev 🙂

Sorry for the inconvenience

Thank you

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0 on May 29, 2017

Yes. I clicked on the Renew Button and then it took me to the cart. The 50% discount was already in there and I completed the payment. When I returned to the My Licenses Page, I saw two Slider purchases with Master on it and each had a different date, the first order and the yesterday’s order. Could you be able to fix this for me to show one license with two (2) year extension.

Thank you.

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Moderator 0 on June 2, 2017
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