Sangar Slider Image Set Stopped Working
Updated on July 28, 2016 in Sangar Slider
3 on July 19, 2016


We have been using Sanger Slider on our site ( without issue until yesterday. We wanted to add a new slide to our basic slider and when we tried to set image, nothing happened, the systeme wouldn’t allow us to load an image. I tried creating a new slider, same problem. I deactivated and reactivated Sangar Slider…no change. I flushed the system cache…no change…I tried 3 diffenet computers…no change. Making sure it was not something wrong with adding images within wordpress, I was able to add images to pages, posts and other widgets not problem. The only problem appears to be with Sangar Slider. I would be happy for you to look at it and see if you can see what the problem is.

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Moderator 0 on July 20, 2016


Hmm… Strange. Please try to re-download and re-install the sangar slider, and see if it’s working

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Message :
0 on July 26, 2016

I did as you asked, and still nothing, then I found out that another plugin had been installed and activated…The Events Calendar was causing the problem. I’m hoping that their latest update will solve the problem.

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Moderator 0 on July 28, 2016

Hi, thank you for your report. We have noted the problem (conflict with other plugin), and we will looking for the solution soon.

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