Sangar Slider Text Layer Content Unresponsive
Updated on September 20, 2017 in Sangar Slider
6 on September 14, 2017

I purchased PRO after trying out the demo on your site. It was exactly what I was looking for. However, once I installed the plugin, it failed to perform. In the Text Content tab the drop-downs for TEXT COLOR and PARAGRAPH, H1, etc. are unresponsive. I need to be able to specify H1 for the content. It will only allow paragraph and I cannot change the color unless I go to text settings, but cannot specify H1 there. I have disabled all other plugins, and tried it as the sole plugin on a clean WP install. Same problem. SO it is not a plugin or theme conflict. Why does it work fine on your demo site and not elsewhere?

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Moderator 0 on September 14, 2017

Hi there!

The plugin is same. Can I borrow your wp-admin, so I can debug the issue?

What version of WP you use?

Thank you

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Message :
0 on September 15, 2017

Hello Zea, Thank you for your timely response. I will include URL and admin info below in the private section. This is the full site with other plugins, but it is a staging site, so you can deactivate all necessary. Also look at the "More options" popup. It is real fuzzy.

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Message :
Moderator 0 on September 15, 2017


It seems bug from our plugin. I will report this to our dev so they can check it.

Really sorry for inconvenience

Thank you

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Message :
0 on September 15, 2017

Hi Zea,

Thank you for looking into this for me. When do you think it might be resolved?

Best Regards,

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Message :
Moderator 0 on September 18, 2017

Hi there

We still working on the issue, and other issues too. Please be patient, we will release the update this week 🙂

sorry for inconvenience

Thank you

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Message :
0 on September 20, 2017

Hi Zea,

I had to purchase another solution, since I do not have time to wait for Sangar Slider to be fixed for the delivery of the site. I have therefore put in a refund request as of today. I do think you have a nice product in the making.

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